Thursday, March 22, 2012

Feautred Igloos: March 20

Hi penguins!
I got some featured igloos for March 20.
Bryna1 said: "Hi, you HAVE to check out my friend Gogleyfart2's igloo it is FULL of puffle stuff! PLEASE CHECK OUT HIS IGLOO!"


Sycho1 said: "Hi!!! My friend Hman104 has a great igloo. It's always so different!!! Right now part of it is puffle themed and part of it is outdoor themed!!! It is AWESOME!!! Waddle on CP!!!"


Zuzuzu160 said: "Hey I think that Zukky2's igloo is awesome! She has tubes and a tree made out of puffle lanterns! It's just so amazing about where she gets all those coins!"


Does your friend have a sweet igloo? My favorite igloo is Gogleyfart2's igloo. What's yours?

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