Friday, March 30, 2012

Field Op message from Rookie

EPF agents, check your spy phones! Rookie has sent an EPF message to all secret agents. In this message, he talks about rearranging letters from Box Dimension. Pretty silly, huh?
Club Penguin EPF Message From Rookie
This message reads as follows,
Hey! If you rearrange the letters in ‘Box Dimension’ you can spell ‘BeD mix onions’! I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds delicious!
That’s a pretty silly message Rookie sent us, in my opinion. What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

April Fools Party Cheats

The April Fools Party has started! There’s lots of things to explore at this party…lots and lots! Club Penguin has even made some new rooms for this year. Let’s check them out.
To start your April Fools journey, head over to the Snow Forts. The Box Dimension Door will only open at certain times. The most efficient way to open it is to stand right on top of the Cream Soda bottle, as shown in the picture.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Once the door is open, run right in. You will reach the heart of the Box Dimension, the place where you can open all the other rooms. There are 2 new dimensions for this party, there’s a cookie dimension (the one with the yellow), and the dimension in the middle.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
There are a few free items this year. To start, let’s head into the dimension in the middle, the Fun House Dimension.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
You can go into the tube, and it will make your penguin bigger, then smaller, and once you exit, back to normal. Pretty cool. Let’s head down to the bottom where you have a free item, they are the Box Shoes. Walk over to them and click “Yes” after you see the pop up. They will then pop up into your inventory.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Now, still in the Fun House Dimension, head up to the top. You will see there is another free item. It is the body part of the Box Costume. After you click “Yes” upon the pop up, it will appear in your inventory.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Now, let’s exit the Fun House Dimension. You can exit by going into the Orange puffle’s mouth. Let’s head down into the Orange Dimension (the one that is yellow). There are unfortunately no free items in this dimension, but you can still hang around!
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Now, let’s exit that dimension. Exit through where it says “Exit”. Let’s head over to the Candy Dimension, the one with the ice cream icon.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
There is a little April Fools shop in this dimension. You can click the blue catalog in the bottom right hand corner, or just waddle to the shop. You can buy the items on the catalog.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Let’s head out, and go to the dimension next door, the Space Dimension. It is the one with the planet icon.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Awesome! There’s also a catalog in this dimension, you can click on the blue paper in the right hand corner, or waddle to the shop.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Now, let’s head out and go to the dimension next door, the Stairs Dimension. This where you can stand upside down with your penguin. There is no free item or catalog in this dimension.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Let’s head out once again. We’ll travel to the dimension next door, the Desert Dimension.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
There is a catalog in this room, you can access it by walking over to the store or clicking the blue catalog in the right hand corner of your screen.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
We’ll exit and head to the dimension on the other side, the Drawing Dimension. This dimension does not have a free item or catalog.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
We’ll now exit and head to the dimension next door, the Silly Place. This is just a place for jokes; it does not have a catalog or free item.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Here we have the last dimension. It is the Soda Dimension…you have to figure out the maze, get on top of the stone, and you’ll receive your last prize, the Box Hat! You’ve now completed your Box Costume.
Club Penguin April Fools Party 2012 Cheats
Let us know what you think about this party in the comments.

Club Penguin Parent Update April 2012

Club Penguin has sent out a new Parent Newsletter to the Parent Emails on file. In this update, they announce the Crazy Igloo Contest, the Earth Day Party, and even something for Easter! Check it out below.
Club Penguin Parent Update April 2012
What do you think? Let us know in the comments

April Fools Day igloo contest

The April Fool’s Day Party is out on Club Penguin, which means that Club Penguin’s April Fool’s Day Igloo contest is out! Now, you’ll notice a golden igloo button on the right hand side. Here’s a picture of it:
Club Penguin April Fool’s Day Igloo Contest
When you click on the golden igloo button, you’ll be asked to confirm your igloo entry.
Club Penguin April Fool’s Day Igloo Contest
Once confirmed, another pop up will appear, this time saying that you’ve successfully enter. Click on ”OK”.
Club Penguin April Fool’s Day Igloo Contest
You’ve now successfully entered the April Fool’s Day Igloo Contest! Remember to check the Penguin Times on April 12 to see if you’ve won. Did you enter? Leave a comment and let us know

Club Penguin Times Issue #336

Club Penguin latest issue of ‘The Penguin Times’ has been released today. This is issue #336, which turns out to be an April Fool’s themed newspaper. There are lots of intresting articles in this edition. Firstly, there is a little bit of information about the April Fool’s Day Party, which is out right now! It also tells us that a box dimension can be located at the Snow Forts.
Club Penguin Times Issue #336
There is also an advertisement for an April Fool’s Day Igloo Contest.
Club Penguin Times Issue #336
And, finally, as usual there is the updated Upcoming Events.
Club Penguin Times Issue #336
This time Club Penguin have added some random parties onto the list. According to Club Penguin, the April Fool’s Day Party will go on forever, the Medieval Party will be in 7 weeks, the Holiday Party with be in 9 months, the next Puffle Party will be in 2013 and the next pin will be released on April 5. Are you excited for the Upcoming Events? Leave a comment.

Fiel Op 75

Club Penguin’s Gary has assigned all Elite Penguin Force Agents a new Field-Op to complete. To read you briefing, head over to the EPF Headquarters.
Club Penguin Field-Op 75 Cheats
Once your briefing has been accepted, head on over to the Candy Dimension. Stand over by the giant candycane.
Club Penguin Field-Op 75 Cheats
Your EPF Spy Phone will start to flash green. Click on it and then complete the short mini game. This time you’ll need to destroy the targets.
Club Penguin Field-Op 75 Cheats
Once you’ve completed the EPF Field-Op you’ll receive a new message from Rookie. Take a look at his message below:
Club Penguin Field-Op 75 Cheats
Rookie says:
Whoa! What the? How did I get in here? It looks like I’m stuck in someone’s Spy Phone. Cool! Whoever this is, please don’t hang up yet! I’m looking for a portal out… Okay, I found one! Happy April Fool’s!
What did you think of this Field-Op? Did you find it easy or hard? Let us know in a comment.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Club Penguin Postcard Catalogue Updated

Hey Penguins! Today I was feeling like sending a random penguin a postcard and I noticed they added 3 new post cards, This is what they look like:

Do you like these new postcards? Let us know in a comment below!

New EPF Message From Dot

Hey Penguins! Today Dot sent all the agents a new message. This is what it says:
If you cannot read it on the picture this is what it says:
Everyone - I have an idea. It's a bit risky, but it might just lure Herbert out of hiding. All we need is the right bait...

This might mean herbert might attack the EPF again!
What do you think of this message from Dot? Let us know in a comment below!

April Fool's Party Coming Soon!

Greetings Penguins!
Pinkyrose101 here. I hope you have met PH at the puffle party!
Now it's almost time for the next big event -- the April Fool's Party! There are new dimensions to explore, a crazy-huge igloo contest, and even a chance to meet Rookie. Check out how tiny Happy77 is!
Speaking of igloo contests... The winner of the April Fool's igloo contest will get the biggest coin prize ever... 1 million coins! How sweet is that?
So what are you most excited about? Leave a comment and let me know! :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Unreleased Puffle Hats Exclusive!

It appears that there are some unreleased puffle hats listed in a game file, and I'm going to share it with you guys! Here's a list:
  • Jingle Jangle Hat
  • Knight Helmet
  • Sherwood Hat
  • Wizard Hat
  • Princess Braid
  • Surf Swoop
  • Sundae Swirl
  • All-Star Curls
  • Shock of Hair
There is also an image from the recent Get Connected video of some unreleased puffle hat designs (image courtesy of Club Penguin Wiki):
So what do you think of these? Let us know by leaving a comment!

Club Penguin Unreleased April Fools Day Party 2012 Rooms Exclusive

Club Penguin has updated one of their files, listing what three or four rooms at the 2012 April Fool’s Day Party will be.
The three dimensions listed are:
Strange Dimension
Zany Dimension
Orange Dimension

There is also a fourth new room, without a name. The music playing is the stage play music for Haunting of the Viking Opera. The three dimensions listed above have different music from last year’s Medieval Party playing. I do not know why.

Clubpenguin comic creator

Hey Penguins! Today I was online at, and I found out you can make animated comincs made by Club Penguin. First you need to be in the Disney website, then click search and look for Club Penguin motion comic. You will find it and it will look something like this.

You can try it out by clicking here. What do you think about this new CP comic maker?
Let me know in the comments below.

Field Ops 74#

Agents, a new field-op is here for you! First, go to the EPF Command Room and accept your field-op, then head over to the Hidden Lake, and stand at the broken Aqua Grabber at the bottom left corner of your screen. Complete "Power up the Chipset", which is using the arrow keys and powering up the four chipsets without being zapped, then you will get a medal and a message from Dot:

Well done Agent. Since we've got all of Herbert's known bases under control, he'll be looking to steal technology. If this doesn't work, we'll keep leaving more and more technology in the open. It's risky, but it might just work.

Club Penguin Times Issue #335

More Puffle Party news (and now also April Fool's Party news as well). Here's this week's edition of the Club Penguin Times!

Here are the upcoming events! Yahoo, April Fools Party! If you don't know already, the crazy igloo contest is an igloo contest with a prize of 1 million coins!

Finally, here's the Secret Revealed! feature in this week's paper:

New CP login screen

Today while I was logging into Club Penguin I saw a new login screen for the April Fools Party.

                                          Do you like it? Let me know in the comments below.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Club Penguin Fan Art Updated March 2012

Club Penguin Fan Art Updated March 2012
Once again Club Penguin’s Fan Art page has been updated, this time for March. A lot of these have are Puffle-themed for the Puffle Party, which started on March 15. Check a few out below: I love the new pictures! What about you? Which one’s your favorite? Leave a comment.

Club Penguin Book Room Fan Art Updated

Club Penguin Book Room Fan Art UpdatedToday, Club Penguin’s Fan Art at the Book Room has been updated. Now ten brand new drawings are being displayed there. Below is one of the submitted drawings: All of the drawings are very creative! Which one do you like? Tell us in a comment

Feautred Igloos: March 20

Hi penguins!
I got some featured igloos for March 20.
Bryna1 said: "Hi, you HAVE to check out my friend Gogleyfart2's igloo it is FULL of puffle stuff! PLEASE CHECK OUT HIS IGLOO!"


Sycho1 said: "Hi!!! My friend Hman104 has a great igloo. It's always so different!!! Right now part of it is puffle themed and part of it is outdoor themed!!! It is AWESOME!!! Waddle on CP!!!"


Zuzuzu160 said: "Hey I think that Zukky2's igloo is awesome! She has tubes and a tree made out of puffle lanterns! It's just so amazing about where she gets all those coins!"


Does your friend have a sweet igloo? My favorite igloo is Gogleyfart2's igloo. What's yours?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

PH stamp

Club Penguin Puffle Handler Stamp and Playercard BackgroundClub Penguin Cheats has tracked down PH’s Stamp and Playercard Background. This is PH’s Stamp. You can earn this stamp by meeting PH during the Puffle Party. The image is below: This is PH’s background

CP EPF message from Gary

New Club Penguin EPF Message From GaryGary has sent all Club Penguin EPF Agents a new message today. In this message he tells us that Herbert has not responded to our broadcast from last week and that we should wait for him to make his move first. This message reads: Herbert did not respond to our broadcast last week. We must wait for him to make the first move. There is not much else we can do.
It’s very unusual that we haven’t heard from Herbert yet. Maybe he’s going to plan his attack sometime around the April Fools Party. What do you think he’s planning to do? Tell us in a comment.

Favorite Event

Club Penguin Reviewed By You: Favorite EventHappy77 from the Club Penguin Team has posted this weeks ”Reviewed By You” on the Community Blog. Last week, Michele50 left a comment replying to the question: ”What is your favorite Puffle colour?”. Michele50 replied to this question with: “My favorite puffle is the orange puffle because I think it reminds us just to lay back and have fun! Also, I think the orange puffle can bring something happy and entertaining to someone that has maybe had a bad day and needs something funny to cheer them up. I currently have two orange puffles and they definitely cheer me up when I’m in a bad mood. The last thing is, they are the kind of puffle that isn’t afraid to show who they are, even if some embarrassing things are part of their personality (drooling on the pillow comes to mind) and I think that’s a good message not only for me, but for other kids around the world. I love Orange Puffles and Waddle On!”