Monday, February 11, 2013

Club Penguin Spike Hike Gives Out Another Hollywood Party Sneak Peek

Earlier today, Club Penguin’s co-owner Spike Hike has given us another Hollywood Party sneak peek on Twitter. He tweeted “Can’t wait for next week! I’m want to direct some movies!!”. In the image it shows Spike Hike in one of the party rooms holding a directors cut board and there is also an emote of the directors cut board. Check it out:
Club Penguin Spike Hike Gives Out Another Hollywood Party Sneak Peek
Here is the image by itself:
Club Penguin Spike Hike Gives Out Another Hollywood Party Sneak Peek
All the sneak peeks of the Hollywood Party is just getting me more excited, I can’t wait till it finally arrives. Are you ready for the Hollywood Party? Leave a comment below to let us know.

Club Penguin Sensei Meet-Up Times + Purple Dragon Costume Code

It’s the Chinese New Year soon! Seeing as Sensei is Chinese, he is coming on Club Penguin to celebrate with us! Daffodaily5, Ninja and Chattabox made a video about waiting for Sensei to come and celebrate. They needed more penguins so they’ve organised a meet-up! At the time and location you must be wearing a Purple Dragon Costume that you can unlock with a code. Before I tell you the times and the Purple Dragon Costume code, check out the video the Club Penguin staff made below:

Awesome! If you didn’t want to watch through the whole video or didn’t catch the meet-up times and location, Sensei will be visiting the server Mountain at the Dojo on the 11th of February at 4 PM Australian Eastern Daylight Time, 4 PM Pacific Standard Time and 4 PM Greenwich Mean Time. Everyone must be wearing the Purple Dragon Costume which you can unlock with the code HAPPYCNY, CNY standing for Chinese New Year. You will also unlock Purple Dragon feet with this code. This is me wearing the full costume:

Club Penguin Sensei Meet-Up Times + Purple Dragon Costume Code

Are you going to come to Sensei’s meet-up event dressed as a purple dragon? I am. Leave a comment with any of your thoughts or suggestions!

Club Penguin Video: Hollywood Party Sneak Peek

Club Penguin have now posted another Hollywood Party sneak peek on their community blog. This sneak peek is actually a video, and features all the amazing stuff we can do during the Hollywood Party! Now, without further ado, check it out:

What do you think of this video? I must say it is amazing, and I truly cannot wait for the Hollywood Party. What about you? Make sure to leave all your opinions in the comments below.

Club Penguin Blog – New Card-Jitsu Villain: Scrap

Club Penguin have now published another post on their community blog, which can be found here. In this post, we can see a sneak peek of the latest Card Jitsu game coming very soon. Here’s what they had to say.

Hey Penguins!
Earlier this week we announced the team is working on not one, not two, but THREE new Card-Jitsu villains. Training is over. In Card-Jitsu Snow, ninjas need to proven their skills in battle!
So we thought you might like to get to know who you’ll be going up against….
Check out Scrap:
Club Penguin Blog – New Card-Jitsu Villain: Scrap
This guy’s a real loudmouth. He’s got a mean swing. And he’s totally hyped up to take down ninjas.
Some interesting facts:
  • Favorite Food: Athlete energy gels
  • Favorite Dance Move: Playing air guitar with his racquet
  • Quirk: Can do 50 push-ups in a row. And will show anyone who will watch.
  • Quote: ”I’ll get you! Get you so fast it’ll make your head spin!”
Do you think you can defeat him? Maybe… But you can bet he’ll go down swinging. AND this guy’s got backup…
Stay tuned to the blog for introductions to the other new Card-Jitsu villains!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Looks like there will be more Card Jitsu Villains in the future, and I truly cannot wait to see them! What about you? Be sure to leave a comment below and let us know your opinions and thoughts.

Club Penguin Reviewed By You: Starring Your Penguin

Today, Polo Field published a new article on the Club Penguin What’s New blog. This article is a new edition of Reviewed By You, and is titled “Starring Your Penguin”. In this post, we hear from Bookgirl1998 and what she has to say about the Prehistoric Party 2013.

Club Penguin Reviewed By You: Starring Your Penguin

Bookgirl1998 said:

I LOVE dinosaurs so I this party is AWSOME! I love that you can change into dinosaurs and even if you aren’t a member, you can still feed them, look for eggs, and collect the dinosaur outfit! My favorite dinosaur from this party is… ALL OF THEM! Only thing I really want is to meet Gary (I haven’t meet him yet!). I hope you guys keep making cool parties like this! Club Penguin Reviewed By You: Starring Your Penguin

This week, Polo Field has asked us what we would name a movie our penguin starred in. Well, what would you name it? He then asks us what the movie would be about. Be sure to comment below and on the Official Club Penguin What’s New blog seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Today, along with a bunch of other cool Club Penguin updates, the team have released a new Furniture Catalog so that us penguins can theme our igloo around the upcoming Hollywood Party 2013. There are many new items enabling us to do so. Below is an image of the front-cover.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Now we have this month’s Furniture Catalog’s cheats:

Club Penguin Cheat: Umbrella Table

Turn to page one of the catalog and click on the lens of the Video Camera.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Club Penguin Cheat: Clothes Rack

Turn to page three of the catalog and click on the second locker contained in the Lockers item.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Club Penguin Cheat: Laser Lights

Turn to page four of the catalog and click on the Earth item.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Club Penguin Cheat: Leafy Window

Turn to page five of the catalog and click on the hole in the Hut Roof item.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Club Penguin Cheat: Tree Stump Chair

Turn to page seven of the catalog and click on the Trustier Post.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Club Penguin Cheat: Wrought Iron Lamp Post

Turn to page nine of the catalog and click on the Stockings.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Club Penguin Cheat: Presents

Turn to page ten of the catalog and click on the Wall Snowflake.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Club Penguin Cheat: Santa Chair

Turn to page eleven of the catalog and click on the chimney of the Holiday Fireplace.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

Club Penguin Cheat: Funky Bookshelf

Turn to page sixteen of the catalog and click on the computer on the Boss Desk.

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats – February 2013

What do you think about all of the new items? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Times Newspaper Issue #381

Today, Club Penguin have released a new newspaper. This week, we can read issue number three hundred and eighty one. Of course, seeing as the Hollywood Party 2013 is coming up soon, we can guess what this newspaper is themed on. The first story is by Cadence and is about how the party is coming. The second story discusses Film Inspired Furniture and finally we have my personal favorite, Upcoming Events!

Club Penguin Times Newspaper Issue #381

It reads:

Hey party penguins! Only one week left until the island gets glam! And what’s a movie party without Directors, Superstars, and awards?! This party’s gunna have it all. Keep reading for all the need-to-know deets. Get ready to party like SUPERSTARS!

Our second story, which is related to new Club Penguin Furniture, can be seen below.

Club Penguin Times Newspaper Issue #381

One island. One igloo. A million-billion-trillion imaginations.
A penguin with a dream: to build a spaceship using puffle beds.
Faced with insurmountable challenges and a catalog full of furniture, will he succeed? Only time will tell.
Join one penguin on his adventure to build the ultimate igloo, and achieve his dream.
The journey begins February 7!
You’ll love it. You’ll LIKE it. And the world will be changed forever.
Coming to an igloo near you!

Finally, we have the Club Penguin Upcoming Events, which are always my favorite.

Club Penguin Times Newspaper Issue #381

The upcoming events on Club Penguin this week are:

On now: Igloo Furniture
Feb 21: Award Show
Feb 20: New Pin

What do you think of the Club Penguin Times Newspaper issue #381? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Featured Postcards Updated

To keep everything fresh, Club Penguin often swap around the featured postcards, probably because they get the most use. Today we can see three new Club Penguin Featured Postcards.

Club Penguin Featured Postcards Updated

The three new Club Penguin Featured Postcards are:

  • Dance Party!
  • Your Biggest Fan!
  • Hide and Seek!

What do you think about the current three Club Penguin Featured Postcards? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Penthouse Log Out Screen

Today, Club Penguin added a new log out screen that will greet us whenever we leave the island. This new log out screen advertises the limited time offer Penthouse Igloo.

Club Penguin Penthouse Log Out Screen

It reads:

Penthouse Igloo Item
Members, throw the ultimate VIP Party!
For a limited time, check it out in the Igloo Catalog in your igloo!

Awesome, are you going to purchase this igloo and use it? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Rainbow Puffle Spotted – Hollywood Party Video

Club Penguin recently uploaded a new video on their Official YouTube channel relating to the upcoming Hollywood Party 2013. In this video, they included a little hint at the new puffle that we should be seeing in the near future. 18 seconds in to the video, you can see a penguin wearing a Rainbow Puffle T-Shirt…
Club Penguin Rainbow Puffle Spotted – Hollywood Party Video
Do you think that’s a massive hint that we will be seeing a rainbow puffle in the future on Club Penguin? It must be! Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies

Club Penguin Hollywood Party Video

Today, Club Penguin uploaded a new video on their Official YouTube channel about the upcoming event, the Hollywood Party. In this video, we hear about one particular penguin making his way through three movies.

What do you think about this Club Penguin Hollywood Party 2013 video? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin February Igloo Catalog Sneak Peek

Polo Field has recently posted a new article on the What’s New blog about tomorrow’s February 2013 Furniture Catalog where we will be able to purchase Hollywood Party related items. Below you can see an image.

Club Penguin February Igloo Catalog Sneak Peek

There are four items displayed, which are:

  • Grand Piano – 300 Penguin Coins
  • Video Camera – 225 Penguin Coins
  • Velvet Rope – 160 Penguin Coins
  • Jumbo TV – 300 Penguin Coins

You can also see that on the video camera, there is a hidden item. However, we obviously are not too sure what that item is yet! Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies

Club Penguin Disney Hollywood Party Information

Every month, Disney update their UK Club Penguin page with awesome new information about upcoming events. Today, Disney have added information about the Hollywood Party which arrives on the island fairly soon.

Club Penguin Disney Hollywood Party Information

It reads:

Grab your friends and hit the red carpet at Club Penguin’s Hollywood Party! Starting on the “Penguin High 3″ set, everyone can begin their quests to become directors – and members can be superstars! The “High Speed Getaway” stage opens Feb. 16 and member action-heroes will perform crazy stunts! Then, Feb. 17, on the set of “Return of the Space Squid,” members can be alien Sci-Fi stars! For both directors and member superstars, the Awards Show begins Feb. 21 and members will have the chance to earn awards! See you on set at the Hollywood Party at

What do you think about this? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Blog: Hollywood Party Coming Soon

As we know, the Club Penguin Hollywood Party 2013 is arriving on the island soon. Polo Field has recently posted a new article on the Official What’s New blog about the party and even included a little sneak peak of a limo.

Club Penguin Blog: Hollywood Party Coming Soon

What do you think about this new Club Penguin blog post by Polo Field? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies!

Club Penguin Blog: Card Jitsu Snow Villains

Polo Field has recently posted a new article on the Club Penguin What’s New blog about how he posted about Card Jitsu Snow just last week. Today, he has submitted a new post about how we will be able to battle Card Jitsu Snow Villains when the game is released. He asks us the question of who these guys are. Who do you think? Perhaps Herbert…

Club Penguin Blog: Card Jitsu Snow Villains

Unless Herbert found a crew of ninja buddies, I doubt this is him. To me, they look like half ninja, half pirate type creatures. What do you think? Be sure to comment your thoughts and opinions on this article about Club Penguin Card Jitsu Snow seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Poll: Hollywood Party

Penguin have now updated their “Penguin Poll” which is located at the Fun Stuff page of the Club Penguin website. This latest poll features a topic related to the Hollywood Party.
Club Penguin Poll: Hollywood Party

The following question in on this current poll. The current answers you can pick from are all below:

Penguin Style’s gone glam! What will you be picking up to prep for the Hollywood Party?
  • Prom King Tux
  • Ancient Dragon
  • Night Sky Prom Dress
  • Laid Back Gray Hoodie
  • Shimmer Diva Dress

Looks awesome! Which option did you choose? I still don’t know about myself, and I’ll need your help to find out. Be sure to include your answer in the comment below, since we always love to hear from you

Club Penguin Field Friday – February 1st 2013

Every Friday, Polo Field meets up with fans on Club Penguin! This week, Polo Field has tweeted that it will begin at 4pm Penguin Standard Time, but does not state the server or room he will be in.

Club Penguin Field Friday – February 1st 2013

Keep checking Polo Field’s Twitter account for more Club Penguin Field Friday information!

Be sure to comment below with thoughts and opinions seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Updates Social Network Profiles

The Hollywood Party is coming very soon, and with that being said, Club Penguin have now updated their social network profiles (Twitter & Youtube) with the appropriate theme to match the party.

Club Penguin Updates Social Network Profiles

Club Penguin Updates Social Network Profiles

These social profiles really looks amazing! They are making me even more excited about the Hollywood Party, what about you? Be sure to leave a comment and let us know.

Clubpenguin Parent System Update

Club Penguin have now completely renovated their “Parents” page, along with the Parent system, which can be accessed through the “Parents” button on the navigation bar of the website. Anyway, ClubPenguinCP have provided an image of the new Parents Page design.

Club Penguin Parent System Update

Woah, I personally truly love this latest Parent System update. Now, the pages looks smoother, and generally has much detail in it. What do you think of this update? Be sure to comment below and let us know.

Club Penguin Federflink1 Meetup

Federflink1, the German Club Penguin blogger, has now submitted another post on the German blog. This post has a one, specific meetup time. The theme of this meetup is an underground expedition. The meetup with him is this Tuesday, February 5th. The time of the meetup is at 16:15 PM Central European Time.
Club Penguin Federflink1 Meetup
I’ll make sure to attend this Fun with Federflink1 event! What about you? We’d love to hear from you n the comments, especially from the German Club Penguin players who are planning to meet up with Federflink1!

Club Penguin Party Emote Sneak Peek

Club Penguin had many minor and major updates yesterday, including homepage screens and catalogs. Now, If you look carefully at the homepage, or at a login screen, you will notice a small sneak peeks of an emote coming at the Hollywood Party.

Club Penguin Party Emote Sneak Peek

This is probably another emote coming very soon to the snowy island of Club Penguin, and most likely be limited-time. Anyway, do you like this new emote? Are you excited about the upcoming party? We always love to hear from our penguin friends, therefore make sure to comment below and let us know!

Club Penguin Prehistoric Party Ends

The Prehistoric Party has now ended with a 2-day delay, for some unknown reason. Anyway, this party is now over, and the island is back to normal. Very soon, in fact next month, the Hollywood Party will kick off the island. Are you excited about it?

Club Penguin Prehistoric Party Ends

This party was such an amazing one, and I am sad to see it go! What about you? Are you mostly excited about any other upcoming parties, including the Hollwood Party, coming next month? Make sure to leave a comment below and include your thoughts and opinions on this topic.

Club Penguin New Homepage Screens

Club Penguin now has 4 new homepage screens and since the Prehistoric Party ended, they are related to the upcoming party, the Hollywood Party. Club Penguin Cheats has an image of these new homepage screens.

Club Penguin New Homepage Screens

Woah, these new homepage screens have so much detail, and they definitely caught my eye! Are you excited about the Hollywood Party which is coming very soon? I surely am! Be sure to let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below this post, since we always love to hear from you!

Clubpenguin Homepage Updated

Club Penguin have now updated their homepage prior to the Hollywood party, in order to match its theme. This new homepage has much detail, and is very colorful, and it kind of sneaks the Hollywood Party.

Club Penguin Homepage Updated

Congratulations, Club Penguin, I really like the new homepage! It surely looks great, and it makes me very excited about the Hollywood Party which is coming soon to the snowy island! Anyway, what are your opinions? Be sure to comment below and let us know, since we always love to hear from you!

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

Pinkyrose101's Clubpenguin Blog apologizes for the lack of images on this post. It will be fixed at some time.

Every month, we get a new Club Penguin Style Catalog where we can buy awesome new outfits for our penguins. Today, seeing as it is almost February, the Club Penguin Team have released the second edition of the Penguin Style catalog in 2013. This month, the theme of the catalog is the Hollywood Party 2013, which begins soon.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

The catalog has been updated a little bit, visually. Now we can see our penguin coins on a sticky note hanging on the bottom of the catalog. The interior is also designed differently. Below are the Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats.

The first cheat can be found on page four of this awesome new catalog. You have to click one the lower foot of the penguin on the right.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

The second cheat can be found five pages later, on page nine. Click on one of the stars that is shown below

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

Two pages later, we can find cheat three and four. On page eleven, click on the paintbrush.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

You can also get the Club Penguin Blue Viking Helmet head item for your penguin by exiting the cheat, doing it again, exiting, doing it again, exiting and doing it again.

On page twelve, click the area shown in the image below.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

On the next page, we can find the next cheat. Click on the snowflake that is on the foot of the penguin on the left hand side page.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

On the same page, click on the arm of the penguin on the right.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

On the following page, click on the T-Shirt of the penguin on the right hand side of this new Club Penguin Style Catalog for February 2013.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

On the following page, click on the arm of the penguin on the right.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

A page later, we can find our next cheat. Click on the arm of the screenshot of the penguin on the left.

Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats

There are all of the Club Penguin Style Catalog February 2013 Cheats! What do you think of it? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin 1,000 Coins Codes

We were reminded that Club Penguin launched another issue of their Brazilian magazine, which is in portuguese. This magazine hands you a useful amount of 1,000 coins with 2 different codes.
Club Penguin 1,000 Coins Codes

The two codes are:

  • OCULOS12
  • PINTE400

Nice! What are you planning to do with your 1,000 coins? I might save for the upcoming catalogue, or directly buy furniture. Anyway, be sure to leave a comment in the related section below and let us know how you are going to use this handful amount of coins. We always appreciate your comments and love to hear from you!

Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Snow Special Blog Announcement

We have been waiting for over a year, but now we have some news on Club Penguin’s next Card-Jitsu element, Snow! We were promised a blog post on this subject a few days back on Twitter, and now we have it. Polo Field posted this article about how next month we can beta test Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Snow!

Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Snow Special Blog Announcement

Great! We have been waiting for ages for this news! Polo Field states that this is the first time since 2005, at Club Penguin’s release, that we have been able to beta test a new multiplayer game.

What do you think about this long-awaited news? Be sure to comment below seeing as we love to hear from you and your penguin buddies.

Club Penguin Daffodaily5′s Featured Fashions: January 28

Every couple weeks or so, moderators pick out cool outfits of a theme that they consider. The best costume’s that they find are featured on the What’s New blog. This time it looks like penguins are coated in Pre-Historic fashions!

Hiya time travellers!
Hope you’ve all enjoyed the Prehistoric Party as much as I have! When I wasn’t running away from dinosaurs, I managed to find some epic Featured Fashions; who knew caveguins could be so fabulous!
StevenHappy’s outfit is epic! Dino bones + a fishing rod + skis = perfectly random! Although, those night vision goggles make me wonder… Doyouthinkhesaurus? Club Penguin Daffodaily5′s Featured Fashions: January 28

Club Penguin Daffodaily5′s Featured Fashions: January 28
Next we have RubyPark, who looks so glamorous in this prehistoric party dress! The Diva Sunglasses finish the outfit off lava-ly!
Club Penguin Daffodaily5′s Featured Fashions: January 28
Thanks to Blazer Boy2 for nominating his buddy Fe1834! This is the ultimate caveguin rock star oufit! You look dino-mite!
Club Penguin Daffodaily5′s Featured Fashions: January 28
Lastly, check out the T-Rexcellent style of Nerdysk8er (nominated by Theblackout2). The hair looks ace with this animal print! Loving the necklace… Brill bones XD
Club Penguin Daffodaily5′s Featured Fashions: January 28
That’s it from me this week guys! Sorry for the bad dino jokes, I couldn’t resist hehe! Nominate your fashionable friends and your theme suggestions in the comments below!

Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

I really liked these rounds of fashions. My favorite one would have to be the top outfit. Which outfit do you think really stood out? Let us know in a comment below.